Is the solar industry regulated?

Yes, by State government, Federal government, The Australian Energy Regulator, local wholesale energy provider, your chosen energy retailer, The Renewable Energy Act 2000, REC Registry, The Clean Energy Council, The Renewable Energy Regulator, Smart Energy Council, The Electrical Safety Office, Australian Wiring Rules Standards, Work Safe Australia, The Building Code, Work cover and Master Electricians, amongst others.

What are Split Panels and Perc Panels?

A Split panel, is like two small panels joined together and then paralleled together. This way, half the current flows through each half panel. Less current is less heat, and more efficiency. Also, your system is less susceptible to shade power loss. A Perc Panel (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) is the latest advance in technology (invented in Australia) and is basically a more efficient panel. The key is the “Rear Cell”- it slows for light to hit the silicon on the way in, and on the way out of the panel.

What are POLY and MONO solar panels?

A Mono (or singular) solar panel is made from a single silicon bar and cut into wafers. A Poly (or numerous) is made from fragments of silicon melted together. Put simply, a Mono Cell is more expensive to make. There’s a misconception that this is better quality. It depends highly on the manufacturer’s quality processes. We focus more on a quality manufacturer, if you have ample roof space, a top quality Poly panel system will just take up more roof space.

What amount is paid as a government incentive?

The Federal Government created an incentive in the year 2000, under The Renewables Energy Act, called STCs, to assist in making solar affordable. This also fluctuates on the Retail Price of STCs. The incentive this year is approximately $550 per KW if STCs are $38 per unit.

What is a good solar panel vs a bad solar panel?

There are lots of factors, including research and development into the latest technology (nobody wants a panel that was designed 5 years ago) along with quality of products and quality assurance. That’s why we only recommend manufacturers who invest heavily on their R&D, use products we trust and have a proven long history of quality panels (e.g. Q Cell and Canadian Solar). This is critical, considering we provide a definitive Power Saving Guarantee.

Repair & Maintenance

Here at iDeal we don’t just install Solar Systems we also maintain and repair systems too. So whether you have a system installed by us or someone else were happy to carry routine maintenance or repairs where necessary. Not sure your system is performing or operating as it should then have one of our Qualified Solar experts have a look to make sure you’re getting the most out of your system. We can carry out a full inspection of the system to make sure all components are working safely and at there optimum. Included in your iDeal Solar System Check …

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After Care

Our iDeal 25-Year Linear Performance Warranty is part of our standard after-care service, which means that we follow-up long after the installation is completed. Solar Panel Services: iDeal Solar are on top of your system’s performance with real-time power analytics, running solar analytics via True 3rd Party Lifetime System Monitoring. Our friendly team will be available, should you have any questions about your solar panel system. We proudly stand behind our 25-year Linear Performance Warranty. Air Conditioning Services: iDeal Solar, Air Conditioning & Electrical are on top of your system’s performance with technology such as Advantage Air, My Place, and …

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